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Disclaimer for product use of our replacement tempered glass mouse feet

Extra care should be taken when handling and using our tempered glass replacement mouse feet, especially when removing them. Improper removal or applying too much force may cause the glass to break and result in sharp edges or splinters. Although tempered glass is known for its durability and safety, there is still a possibility that it may break under certain conditions and result in sharp edges or splinters. The purchaser hereby acknowledges and agrees that use of the replacement mouse feet is at their own risk. SensoryBoost assumes no liability for any injury or damage that may occur directly or indirectly from breaking the glass, cutting or stabbing due to glass splinters or sharp edges. This includes, without limitation, physical injury, property damage, and any other form of loss. It is the user's responsibility to take all necessary safety precautions and carefully follow the product instructions to minimize the risk of injury.

If you have any problems, please contact us immediately

E-Mail: Business@Sensoryboost.de or Contact

Version 4 - Status: 10.02.2025